Hameed Shuja4 min read
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Hameed Shuja3 min read
Thought-provoking remarks following the speech suggest treasury market reform a key focus for the SEC, while books and record requirements remain non-negotiable.
Alex Viall2 min read
Responses from 1,600 professionals reveal embrace of technology, but firms are still slow to act.
Hameed Shuja3 min read
Changes to the document mainly emphasize emerging technologies and data analytics.
Julie DiMauro5 min read
Senior figures talked about how technology such as LLMs present great business opportunities … and risks.
Julie DiMauro5 min read
Sharp differences emerged during discussion on neutralizing conflicts of interest created by algorithms.
Julie DiMauro3 min read
SEC says former CEO made false and misleading statements in press releases and on social media channels such as Stocktwits and YouTube.
Julie DiMauro5 min read
Annual Report underlines change in tone from punitive enforcement to incentivizing good conduct.
Julie DiMauro3 min read
Acting Assistant AG Nicole Argentieri unveiled a new resource at DOJ designed to help it better locate and prosecute FCPA cases.
Julie DiMauro3 min read