The GRIP Files: Ben Blackett-Ord

In our season of Holiday profiles, we look back at Ben Blackett-Ord’s career and hear his predictions for 2024.

Ben Blackett-Ord founded Bovill in 1999 and led it as CEO until 2022. He continues to support Bovill’s executive team and clients, as well as being a prominent figure in the financial services industry and regular commentator on GRIP.

Ben Blackett-Ord. Photo: Private

Tell us about yourself

I have spent the last 24 years building Bovill into a global financial services regulatory, and I have recently stepped back into a chair role, where I am able to focus more on the big policy issues that drive the future direction of travel for financial regulation.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Trust your instinct.

What has been the proudest moment of your career?

It’s never been one moment. It’s whenever I get the chance to stand back and look what an amazing amount Bovill has achieved over the last 24 years, and how lucky I have been to have such an amazing team behind me.

Tell us an amusing anecdote about your work

In Bovill’s early days one of our employees managed to break his leg coming back from his lunch break – he had decided to hurdle a series of bicycle racks and things didn’t go entirely accordingly to plan….

Can you recommend a good book?

Yes, for those that like military history – Popski’s Private Army.

Give us a prediction for 2024

We will see increased tension between government and regulators around the competition agenda.