Hameed Shuja4 min read
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Hameed Shuja3 min read
FRCP Rule 26
Among other things, this rule stipulates that each party must, without awaiting a discovery request (unless otherwise exempted or ordered by a court), provide to the other parties the following:
In a narrowly-obtained decision, the Fifth Circuit determined that approving the rule exceeded the SEC’s power.
Alexander Barzacanos1 min read
Revised proposals will make the secondary trading platform more attractive for companies.
CMS4 min read
The FCA has gathered views from stakeholders on approaches to crypto regulation. We summariz e some key takeaways.
Hameed Shuja2 min read
The new circular sets out the regulator’s expectations centered on providing investors with adequate information to enable them to make informed investment decisions.
Thomas Hyrkiel1 min read
A dozen observations and recommendations on compliance with significant legislation.
The independent director was accused of violating proxy regulations by concealing the relationship.
Alexander Barzacanos2 min read
The firm fell foul of Regulation Fair Disclosure.
Julie DiMauro2 min read
Our at-a-glance guide to recent FCA activity.
Hameed Shuja5 min read