One of the Danish Data Protection Authority’s new priorities is to supervise how AI is being handled in the healthcare sector.
Martina Lindberg2 min read
At least 1,000 former employees continued to access a system with personal data after their employment ended.
Martina Lindberg1 min read
The Danish Data Protection Authority inspected 48 municipalities.
Martina Lindberg1 min read
Large-scale study finds lack of employer resource rather than fear of job loss is the major blocker to adoption of AI.
Julie DiMauro4 min read
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority found a number of deficiencies and violations among five of the investigated banks.
Martina Lindberg3 min read
More than 40% of the websites were using unclassified cookies, and had not classified the purpose of tracking.
Martina Lindberg1 min read
About 300 computers were found being used for activities other than teaching, and contained unencrypted information about students.
Martina Lindberg1 min read
National Special Crime Unit said this was the the most comprehensive case of violations of the Money Laundering Act in the Danish banking sector.
Martina Lindberg1 min read