Podcast: Jeannette Lichner on the evolution of financial services

In the latest GRIP podcast episode, we touch on technological change, flexible work, and switching careers.

Jeannette Lichner is a non-executive director, senior adviser, and executive coach. She featured in The GRIP Files in August.

We talked about:

  • career changes, unexpected turns, and how opportunistic career moves can make sense in the end;
  • why the younger generation overthinks career decisions;
  • the pros and cons of flexible working;
  • the regulatory challenges of remote work;
  • the evolution of compliance, regulation, and security over the past few decades;
  • why the word training is inappropriate for employees;
  • why people should understand risk and assume their correspondence could end up in the public domain;
  • the importance of social and economic diversity; and
  • whether a principles-based approach to regulation is serving the needs of the financial services sector.

A transcript for this podcast is available here.